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Login & Registration

You only need to login if you want to keep track of your collection, or if you want to add content (such as images, links...) to this site. Once logged in, you can add miniatures to your collection, track whether or not you have painted them, filter by owned, missing or painted status, add images to miniatures, add links (such as build or paint guides, videos, articles...) etc.

No need to roll on the brain injury table, we've got you covered ;-) You can restore your password!

If for some reason you did not get your email confirmation (please check your SPAM folder!), you can contact me, using the email address you used to register.

About The Catalog

Remember: You need to be logged in, otherwise you will not see this functionality.

On every model detail page, next to the collection manager buttons, you'll find links to add content:

Step 1

Step 2

Let's pretend that we are Elizabeth Beckley, and want to add an image of a model that we painted. The title could be Painted by Elizabeth Beckley, the URL would be her facebook profile, https://facebook.com/elizabeth.beckley.92. Next, we click on Choose File, and after the preview of the image is loaded, we can hit the Submit Image button.

Step 3

A note about adding content

Images, links etc. that you add to the site, are first placed into a moderation queue. Meaning, moderators will first review the content, before actually publishing it. Why? Imagine if I would instantly display images that -any- user can upload without reviewing it first. That's why ;-)

At the time of writing, please email this information, I will add it to the related model.

If you'd like to help complete the models data with artists, you can browse all miniatures that are missing the illustrator, sculptor or both even.

At the time of writing, please email this information, I will try add the miniature to the catalog asap. Please don't just send me a one liner saying "Preacher is missing!". 

If you'd like to help complete other models data with artists, you can browse all miniatures that are missing the illustrator, sculptor or both even.

Tips & Tricks